Your LoginID is not active. Please contact your DP to activate your loginID
When I try to log in into CDSL After Registration, Above Popup appears, What can I do to login into CDSL (Central Depository Services (India) Limited)
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إجابة ( 1 )
Electronic Access to Securities Information
1. What is easi?
Easi (Electronic Access to Securities Information) is a convenient, easy to operate internet based facility,
which allows registered Beneficial Owners (BOs) & Clearing Members (CMs) to access their demat
account through internet to check their demat account details anytime anywhere, through CDSL’s website
2. What are the benefits of easi to BOs?
Viewing and printing details of current holdings and/or transactions for 30 days in his/her demat
account as well as transactions statements cum holding for a particular financial year [365 days] i.e.
History statements.
Viewing and printing the valuation of holdings in his/her demat account based on the previous day’s
closing price.
Viewing multiple demat accounts details through a single login ID.
Viewing and downloading of Consolidated Account Statements [CAS]
‘easi-locker’ facility wherein users can securely store e-documents and share the same with other
Monitoring corporate announcements related to the securities held in his/her demat account. A BO
also has an option to add upto 25 ISINs not held in his/her demat account to monitor corporate
announcements for such ISINs.
Edit profile i.e. mobile number, email id & SMS Alert in their demat account.
3. What are the benefits of easi to CMs?
Viewing and printing of holdings of the securities held in their settlement accounts along with the
valuation as per the previous day’s closing price.
Viewing and printing the status of their transactions and also the pay-in and pay-out positions along
with the shortages (DP89) for any given settlement.
Downloading the holdings and/or transaction details to update their back office.
Monitoring corporate announcements for the securities, held in their demat accounts. A CM also has
an option to add maximum of 25 additional ISINs not held in their demat account to monitor
corporate announcements for such ISINs.
4. Can all BOs/CMs use this facility?
Yes, this facility is available to all BOs/ CMs.
5. What is “auto easi” registration?
When a new account [BOID] is activated in the CDSL system with a valid email ID then a log-in for “easi”
will be created for the BOID automatically. The 16-digit BOID would be the initial “log-in ID”. The BO
will receive an email of auto easi registration from CDSL (on the email ID entered in the CDSL system),
informing him the procedure for registration for the “easi” log-in.
6. What is the procedure a BO should follow on receipt of email for auto registration?
The BO is required to click on the link sent in the email and complete the registration process. The 16-
digit log-in ID may be changed by the BO as per his/ her choice. It should be noted that the BO will be
permitted to change the log-in ID only once, at the second screen displayed to the BO. On initial log-in, a
prompt to change the password will be displayed and the BO would then be required to change the
existing password given in the email sent by CDSL.
7. For how many days the auto easi registration email is valid?
The auto easi registration email is valid till 03 months (i.e.90 days) from the date of receipt of the email.
If the BO forgets to register within the stipulated time period, then he can register for easi online through
CDSL’s website – http://www.cdslindia.com.
8. What is the procedure to register online for easi?
If a BO wants to register for CDSL’s easi facility he/she needs to follow the procedure as mentioned below
for online registration:
Log on to CDSL’s website http://www.cdslindia.com through internet explorer.
Click on “Register ‘easi’ User” option available in ‘Login to – New System (BO/CM) link available on the
homepage of CDSL’s website.
Enter 16 digit BOID (Demat A/C No.) as login name
Enter complete PAN (in caps on) and first four digits of date of birth. (PAN + DDMM) as password
Click on “Go”.
Enter the OTP [one time password] received by you on your Registered Mobile no. (If mobile no. &
email id is not registered, user will be required to contact his/her Depository Participant and register
the Mobile no for SMS alerts .i.e. SMART)
The system will ask to change the username and select the security question and confirm the answer.
On completion of the registration process, the system will ask to change the password.
In case of Clearing Member / NRI account holder OTP will be received in their Email ID as registered
in the demat
9. What has to be entered as date of birth in case of HUF, CM or Corporate BO while
registering for easi?
In case of HUF, CM or Corporate BOs, date of incorporation (DDMM) has to be entered as date of birth.
10. While doing online registration for easi, the system shows an error as “Invalid Date of
Birth” or “Invalid PAN” or “Invalid Login name”.
The details entered by the BO at the time of online registration are checked against the details present in
the CDSL system; hence if the system is showing any one of the above errors while doing online
registration the BO has to approach his Depository Participant (DP) to know the correct details entered in
the CDSL system to carry out the registration process successfully.
11. If a BO is not aware of his/her BOID then whom should he/she contact?
BOID is Beneficial Owner Identification Number or Demat Account Number which is of 16 digits consisting
of 08 digits DP ID and 08 digits Client ID. BO has to approach his/her DP (with whom a demat account is
opened) to know the demat account number.
12. If a BO has forgotten the username and password for his/her easi login, what is the
procedure to obtain the username and password?
The BO can obtain the user name from his DP. If the BO has forgotten the password then the same can
be reset through “forgot password” link. The BO has to give either, login ID or BO ID and PAN/ mobile no.
or email ID for resetting the password.
After resetting the password, the new password will be sent on the registered email ID for easi login.
13. Can a BO change/modify username after registration?
No, the BO cannot change/modify the username (login name) after registration, he/she can set the
username (login name) only once at the time of registration. Login name is unique in the system
14. How many accounts can a BO can map in one login?
The BO can map 08 additional accounts with one login, which means the BO can avail easi facility of 9
accounts with one login.
15. Whether a BO should map the additional BOIDs only during registration for the first
The BO can either map the additional 8 BOIDs during registration for the first time or as and when
required. The facility to add or modify the grouping is provided through “edit grouping” option. Please
note that the form generated during grouping has to be duly filled and signed by the grouped account
holders and has to be submitted to respective DP for authentication. On authentication by the DP, the
grouped accounts will be viewed in the login through ‘Switch to other BOIDs’ option.
16. How can a BO view his/her demat account holdings?
To view demat account holdings, go to our website – http://www.cdslindia.com, click on “login to – New
System (BO/CM) ”, enter login ID (username) and password and click on <Login>.
17. What should a BO do if he/she is facing problem while viewing demat account details?
Our easi facility is compatible with Internet Explorer 10.00 and above versions, Google Chrome, Safari and
many other browsers
18. Can a BO edit his/her profile like email ID/ telephone number, etc.?
Yes, BO can do the modification of his/her email ID / telephone number, etc. through easi login. For doing
so, click on the option “edit profile” available in the easi login. The BO can modify security question and its
answer, email ID, telephone number for the easi login. The same will be effected in his demat account as
BO also has the option to change his mobile no which has been registered for SMART, further in case if the
BO does not want to receive SMS alert he may de-register for such alerts, if he is a POA client he may be
able to de-register only for the portfolio valuation.
19. Can a BO monitor corporate announcements for the shares in his/her demat account
through easi?
Yes, a BO can monitor corporate announcements for the securities held in demat account through easi
login. A BO also has an option to add upto 25 ISINs not held in their demat account to monitor corporate
announcements for such ISINS. Further he can register / deregister for email notification for a corporate
20. How to check the status of transactions?
Easi also facilitates checking the status of transactions, which has been submitted by the BO to his/her
DP. To check the status of transaction, please click on the ‘Transactions’ menu available in easi login.
21. Can a BO set up/upload transactions through easi login?
The BO who has registered for easi facility cannot set up/upload transactions through his/her easi login.
The facility for online transfer of shares (or online transactions) is available to BO’s through CDSL’s ‘easiest’
22. If a BO has already registered for easi, how can he/she register for easiest?
The BO who has already registered for easi can register for easiest through “upgrade BOID to easiest”
option available in his/her easi login. The form gets generated during upgradation process which has to be
submitted to the DP for its authentication. In case of sole holder, he need not submit easiest registration
form to DP for authentication.
23. How can a BO register for SMS alerts facility through easi login?
A existing easi registered BO [old User] who has not registered for SMS alert facility can register for SMS
alerts facility through “Edit profile” option available in ‘Miscellaneous’ menu in his/her easi login. Upon
registering from easi the same gets updated directly in CDAS and the BO is not required to submit any
document to his/her DP.
Presently a new BO is required to mandatorily register for SMS alert facility in case he wishes to register
for easi facility.
(If mobile no. & email id is not registered, user will be required to contact his/her Depository Participant
and register the Mobile no for SMS alerts .i.e. SMART)
24. When the SMS alerts facility will get activated after registration?
After registration for SMS alerts facility, it will be activated at the end of the day.
25. How can a BO modify the details of SMS alerts?
SMS alerts details can be modified through “EDIT Profile” option in easi login. It is available under the
‘Miscellaneous’ menu
26. How to change the password for easi login?
A BO can change the password through “Change Password” option available in his/her easi login.
27. Can BO deregister itself from easi?
Yes, BO can deregister itself from easi through “Deregister” option available in the login.
28. Is it possible to register again for easi/easiest after deregistration?
Yes, it is possible to register again for easi/easiest after deregistration.
29. After deregistration, can a BO register again with the previous username?
No, the BO cannot register with the previous username after deregistration, since the user name is
unique in the system. The BO has to register with the new username.
30. What are the charges for availing ‘easi’ facility?
CDSL has provided the ‘easi’ facility to it’s demat account holders free of cost.
31. Is it possible to view Consolidated Account Statement [CAS] through easi/easiest
Yes, you can view and download the CAS through your easi login from the CAS menu.
32. What type of documents you can store through e-locker
You can store financial as well as non-financial documents in e-locker like Credit card statement policy
details PAN card copy, Aadhar, Passport, Passport copy, Ration card copy etc.