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Category : WordPress


WordPress is one the web content management system simply called as CMS. In the beginning of WordPress used only for Creating blogs and publish in web.

Now, WordPress Evolved into biggest CMS in now a days web technologies. Now wordPress used for Publish we content, mailing list, photos and media gallery, User management, User Group management, Membership management sites, and Learning and Online Stores.

How WordPress Evolved

WordPress is one the Opensource Platform along With PHP the developers develops various scripts to evolve WordPress, The Theme Designers Develops various Colorful themes which is compactable WordPress and the user.

WordPress become Plugin based platform suddenly because of  opensource scrip  writers all over the world.

With in the short period there millions of Plugins affiliated with WordPress which is for design and development of WordPress World .

WordPress Websites categories

Now a day countless categories of WordPress themes, Plugins, Modules Which are free and Premium Paid Plugins and Themes.

WordPress Categories Like, Corporate Modules, Classifieds, Online or E Learning, B2B WordPress, Ecommerce, directories and More.

WordPress Support

After these development of WP Cms the Technical Support and Plugins supports are available for both free and premium in this Blog.

Using the Role-Based Pricing & Bulk Offer plugin from Extify Plugins can provide several key advantages for your WooCommerce store. Here’s why you should consider integrating it:Personalized Pricing for Different User Roles:This plugin allows you to set different prices for different user roles (e.g., wholesale customers, retail customers, VIP members). It ensures that each customer segment gets a tailored shopping experience, leading to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.Encourage Bulk Purchases:The bulk offer feature incentivizes customers to buy more by offering discounts on larger quantities. This not only increases your average order value but also helps clear out inventory faster.Enhanced Profit Margins:By setting specific prices for different user groups, you can optimize your profit margins. For instance, offering slightly higher prices to retail customers while giving wholesale buyers a discount encourages larger transactions without sacrificing your bottom line.Streamlined Pricing Management:Managing multiple pricing tiers manually can be cumbersome and prone to errors. This plugin simplifies the process by automating role-based ...

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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () jquery-migrate.js?ver=3.4.1:104 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version 3.4.1react-dom.js?ver=18.2.0:29850 Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:

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How to fix the issues while Optimize SEO Data, Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn't complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please click the button again to re-start the process.  

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Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without a callback. This is not supported and can lead to race conditions and suboptimal performance. For supported loading patterns please see

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