Millions of people from across the globe suffer from toothache, which is arguably the most common dental problem. This can be severe, ranging from mere distress to extreme levels of intolerable agony that interfere with eating, sleeping, and general concentration in day-to-day undertakings. Toothache is generally related to tooth problems, but there are also many instances where people develop earaches while they are having toothache problems. This read will discuss the link between toothache and earache, can a toothache cause ear pain, its cause, and remedies.

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A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat an infection that has reached the pulp inside a tooth. During the procedure, the infected pulp is removed, the tooth's interior is cleaned, and it's sealed to prevent further infection. However, in some cases, an abscess may persist even after a root canal has been completed. A persistent abscess after a root canal is an infection that lingers, causing ongoing pain and discomfort in the jaw. This can happen because bacteria were not entirely eradicated during the root canal procedure or because new bacteria entered the tooth afterward.

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